Sunday, April 3, 2011

Huarache: Old vs. New

First of all, let me be the first to apologize to anyone that entered my blog thinking that I'm referring to the sandal from Latin America.

Depending on who you ask, the Nike Air Trainer Huarache, is a classic shoe.  I am one of the individuals who happen to think this is a classic shoe.  However, I am beginning to become disappointed in what Nike is doing.  What I'm about to say next is quite hypocritical...Nike I love that you retro'ed this classic shoe, I'm a little disturbed in the events that occurred leading up to its release.  Your average consumer may not have noticed, but to a person who buys shoes like they're going out of style, I see you.  Now, I know some of you are going to read this and say what's the point of this?  Well quite simply, the shoe industry is turning into the movie industry.  How you say?  The comparison is very relevant, just like the movie industry, the shoe industry is recycling old products.  Say what!!!  It happens more often than you know.  For instance, if you haven't already noticed from the pics above, the two shoes are very, very similar, the first debuting in 1992 the second debuting in 2011.  So what, you say?!  This speaks to the lack of creativity amongst shoe designers in today's industry.  The way you are recycling shoe design is downright sad.  To any shoe designer that reads this, I am in no way disrespecting your craft or your creative vision, but I know the "powers that be" sit over you and make decisions that you always don't agree with.  That being said, The 90's produced some the best shoes ever made, from design to quality.  In the 2000's, not so much.  The only shoe design that I have purchased post 2000, are the 2K4 and the latest Kobe Bryant's released this year.  Nike, I think the people that sit in your corporation today use too many numbers and statistics to do their job.  People who really aren't into shoes but rather individuals that are doing a "job."  The fact that the retros followed the 2011 release, tells me one thing.  You knew that the 2011 release was going to incur major backlash and the fact that the release date kept getting pushed back also tells me another thing, the customers spoke and you listened.  I know the retro was supposed to be a limited release and limited to urban accounts, then after being "pushed back" repeatedly, they became a general release available for purchase on numerous websites.  Considering I see individuals born post 1992 wearing the retros over the 2011 version tells me that what ever is going on in your company today needs to be re-evaluated because it's not working.  The 90's put Nike miles ahead of the rest of the industry.  Long story short, Nike you need to get a grip, because it's just a matter of time before another shoe company comes along and takes your spot due to laziness and complacency on your part.  If you I do recall, Jordan said it best when he stated "there's always someone out there better than you, ready to take your spot."

What my blog is about

In no way, shape, or form am I professional when it comes to judging, rating, or stating my opinion about a product.  That being said, Common Folk Reviewz is a blog from a simple man and "his" take on things.  Feel free to leave your opinion on anything I say, as I am posting my views on here for the world to see.  My blog will cover everything from my hobbies to sports to what's going on around the world.  So sit back grab your coffee, tea, or whatever beverage you prefer, and read away.  I hope to keep things interesting around here and any feedback is encouraged, I understand that everyone's opinions on things differ and I am not that closed-minded to think that my opinion is "law."